What impact should technological developments have on the evolution of the equitable doctrine of breach of confidence in Australia? Critically discuss this question in relation to the development of case law in Australia AND the ALRC’s Report
What impact should technological developments have on the evolution of the
equitable doctrine of breach of confidence in Australia?
Critically discuss this question in relation to the development of case law in
Australia AND the ALRC’s Report on Serious Invasions of Privacy in the Digital
Era. <—- this is the topic i would like the document that I have attached analysed and would like the main topics of the paper to be its important to go through the document provided and look at the case the law, the case law is crucial and I would also like comparisons drawn around the world and how it is different what laws are in place etc.
What impact should technological developments have on the evolution of the equitable doctrine of breach of confidence in Australia? Critically discuss this question in relation to the development of case law in Australia AND the ALRC's Report

What impact should technological developments have on the evolution of the equitable doctrine of breach of confidence in Australia? Critically discuss this question in relation to the development of case law in Australia AND the ALRC's Report

What impact should technological developments have on the evolution of the equitable doctrine of breach of confidence in Australia? Critically discuss this question in relation to the development of case law in Australia AND the ALRC’s Report
What impact should technological developments have on the evolution of the
equitable doctrine of breach of confidence in Australia?
Critically discuss this question in relation to the development of case law in
Australia AND the ALRC’s Report on Serious Invasions of Privacy in the Digital
Era. <—- this is the topic i would like the document that I have attached analysed and would like the main topics of the paper to be its important to go through the document provided and look at the case the law, the case law is crucial and I would also like comparisons drawn around the world and how it is different what laws are in place etc.